Thursday, April 12, 2007

Illegal Immigration

Welcome to Revolt America...a place where you can express your opinions about the 'state of affairs' in this country, as you perceive them. Posts will be read and modified before being added to this Blog, or deleted entirely if I decide it is not fit. There will be NO vulgar or derogatory language, racism, denigration, violent or abusive verbiage allowed.

There are many 'Ills' to be voiced, without a doubt...everything from the state of health care, illegal immigration, freedoms lost or being lost, taxes, crimes, and a whole gamut of issues...

Whatever questions you may have on any matter, perhaps there will be someone who can supply the other words, be helpful to one another when needed.

Express your opinions in a decent and civil manner, being considerate of others opinions, that may differ from yours.
I may post some news items or articles of interest, as well...which you may comment on.

One of many ills in this society, and perhaps the one that is amongst the highest on my list, in particular, is the rampant Child Molesters/Rapers/Murders. When one can find dozens of sexual predators listed as offenders online, there are many more who are not, and they can be found in every neighborhood in America.

The talk of 'rehabilitation', is in my opinion, a moot point...such is almost non-existent despite the so-called 'courses' they are supposed to take. These heinous individuals that prey on our children, are freed constantly to seek out new and innocent young victims.

The opinion I express for such individuals, is the only way to keep our little ones safe from their harm, is to have the death penalty for these criminals. It is a daily happening across America, and often in the news...though we may not hear about the majority of children who suffer and/or die at the hands of immoral criminals with such unholy aberrations.

That's my opinion...What's yours?

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On to the subject of Illegal Immigration...touchy and hot topic...

First of all, if I commit a crime or do anything ILLEGAL...I would be arrested, perhaps go to court or even jail...Why? Well, I broke the law!

There is a double standard when it comes to the illegals...They can break our laws, burden our school system, burden our medical system (another topic - those who get 'freebies' because they are illegals, and those Americans who get NO care because they do not have insurance or money).

The garbage about how we cannot get along without them is just that. The legal hardworking taxpayer is paying to float these parasites of society, who claim they are doing work Americans will not do...So What! Does that change the fact they are law-breakers??? NO! Yet they are rewarded for breaking our laws...would YOU be?

Not to mention the huge increase in the crime rates, and stats show this is due to the illegals and their gangs. How about the teenie boppers in California, shown hanging the Mexican flag on the pole outside their high school, and then the American flag under it Upside Down!?! Kids do learn what they live...should tell you something.

They are NOT Americans...even if they were born here, their allegiance lies with Mexico...nothing like biting the hand that feeds you, huh? Of course the major media had no interest in showing the nation that little scenario.

And all the illegals 'marching' for their 'rights'?? They have NO rights! They are not citizens of America! They are Illegal Usurpers! We seldom hear of the threats made by many illegals and those who have citizenship, and even hold high office, that they will take us over, that we are a 'fat, old white people that are dying out' and do not produce many children as they do etc., etc., ad infinitum.

They do not 'love America' or Americans..they just want what we have worked hard to get...instead of having some guts to change things in their own is easier to puke into our country illegally and squat, knowing they will receive money, housing, medical, schooling for their kids in a 'foreign language' (that being Spanish, since most real Americans speak English)...

Then they hate us and ridicule us and threaten us...nice people huh? Just what one wants for a 'neighbor'...did you know Mexico has laws that state you cannot come into Mexico will be deported...and if you enter legally you will NOT receive welfare, or medical care?

I am not against LEGAL immigration...that should be our standard...however, illegal immigration has been allowed to take place continually on else can there ever be a 'one world government' if any country still has Sovereignty?? Homogenization is a necessity. BTW...the whites are no longer the Majority! U.S. stats show far more 'brown skinned' increase in our population than any other. Wonder if it is time to apply for 'minority status' so we can get in on all the freebies too?

Hmmmmmm...wonder how that came about? Do not doubt that this is an uphill battle for sovereignty, and forces working to have complete control of the matter the 'color'. This is NOT a racist matter to me - I feel we are all humans and belong to ONE race, the Human Race! And ideally, we would all respect and care about one another. This is a LEGAL matter.

Our freedoms are eroded constantly, in very insidious ways, so that most Americans are not even aware they have lost them and are losing more.

Americans are so wound up in daily living, working, surviving...being taxed to death (much against the Constitution - yet we sit back and let businesses like the IRS, the Federal Reserve, Big Pharma, Big Foods and the World Bankers et al) rob us blind and sedate us with the many engrossed in the latest styles of the so-called Stars and the junk they puke that is skewed to fit their own agendas...just so much wrong, I fear it is far too late to ever recover.

There is so much more taking place that most of us do not even realize...meantime, we are regulated in everything...our personal lives, habits, thinking! Beware the 'Word Police"...think it but don't you dare voice it! Follow the politically correct claptrap or else! You are told what to eat, what not to eat, do not take vitamins (that choice is in the wings awaiting being taken away from you - yet another subject)...there is little 'Freedom of Choice' left to us.

For example, while it is not good for people to smoke, that group has been singled out and declared 'Lepers', and taxed far higher and beyond anything else on the market for their 'habit' about taxation without representation! Single out one section of society, blame them for all the ills they can possibly think of, punish them for using a legal product (of course the government cannot make it illegal now...remember prohibition? Plus they would lose billions in their pockets).

So today's America consists of being told what you can do in your personal life, where you can go, who you can associate with, what you can say (freedom of speech is a thing of the past in America for real Americans...other groups can puke out anything they want to...we get called all kinds of 'names' by other groups...but I guess that is 'different''s OK for anyone that is not white...BTW, White IS a color, guess most miss that's even in the Crayola crayon box...imagine that, LOL)...

There is SO much more I could add...but I see the situation in America as the people are 'Fiddling while Rome Burns'...Mesmerized by the Media, stolen from by the government, drugged up by Big Pharma, fed 'plastic' non-nutritional foods by Big Foods, second class citizens to the illegals, and on and on it goes...

Keep being lulled to sleep while everything you have worked for and dreamed about 'goes south'...

That's just my OPINION...What's Yours?

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